
My people are hunted. They have been for decades. The darkness has always coveted the light. They kept coming through the years taking groups of our people down every time. And then it wasn't enough. They just wanted to take all the light. Now the few of us left only have two choices; fight back or be eradicated. 


Fight back till the last breath. Your squad of light soldiers is courageous and skilled. They will shoot the dark monsters when they get near. You need to use every tool at your disposal though. Otherwise, it will be impossible to win this. Stand your ground and kill all your attackers and you shall eradicate the darkness from your land.

- Light is your only power and it generates over time.

- You can use your light to buy guns, place a lamp/ a turret, and recruit more brave light soldiers.

- A lamp will increase soldiers' shooting range when standing near it and will speed up light generation. 

- Guns are auto-picked up by your soldiers and they shoot with it obviously 

- Turrets auto-shoot at the darkness monsters and they are intargetable

- You start with one turret, two light soldiers, and two weapons on the ground


Changes and bug fixes: 

- Added Instructions screen

- Fixed UI

- Bullets sound

- Fixed the restart/try again functionality

- Fixed light resource extra generation with multiple lamps

To do:

- Fix overlapping object spawning

- Fix light fluctuation


My notes/ Mini devlog/ Postmortem: 

This game was made in 28 hours distributed over 7 days due to my busy schedule. Even though things were a bit too tight with time, I am happy that I made it and I enjoyed making it very much. 

I decided to experiment with this jam which was to let chatGPT lead the game-making process so as to measure how dependable,  accurate, and overall helpful it could be. 

As it turns out it wasn't bad at all. It certainly had unexpected limitations, for example, it forgets :D , it wasn't correct sometimes, It was not uniform in its tactics which defied the general rules for coding conventions most of the time. I think many of these problems all stem from the same root which is it doesn't have an interconnected mind like ours. I expect it will be much better soon and it is actually remarkable right now but I guess we have become so ambitious with technology that we can be too critical and less appreciative. 

So to counter that let's talk about the positives. It was certainly speedy, my role was basically to review the code, fix its mistakes,  and encourage it to have a better approach but I wrote very little which was a more relaxed and "deep in thoughts" way of coding. I enjoyed the communication, I am a lone developer so this is not how I do things normally. It felt good to bounce my ideas and opinions over someone/thing else. I also loved how it's not just focused on the coding and could help make the game more fun or more attractive or whatever the game needs. I could just give it a more general question and it would reply from different points of view. All in all, it was a really good experiment and I think with more experience with its pros and cons I can get much more value out of it.


Bullet sound:

Updated 16 days ago
Published 22 days ago
StatusIn development

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